Sunday, May 22, 2011

a night with ben folds

What. A. Night.

Before Friday night, I was a fan. Not a massive fan but I definitely had an appreciation for his music. After seeing Ben Folds live, I walked away with such admiration for this man. Ben Folds recorded doesn't do him justice. His voice live is amazing, he's a literary genius and genuinely funny. A great showman. Polished, yet relaxed and the best bit of the night - he and his band came back on for an encore! Now, you don't see big artists doing that much these days.

Also can I just say how AMAZING the Palais is? It was the perfect place for a gig like Ben Folds. Not so much for the Wombats I heard (how can you dance in your seat?!) 

So I leave you with a video of Ben Fold's version of Ke$ha's Sleazy. An amazing cover, if not totally random.

P.S. I have the utmost respect for Kate Miller-Heidke, who supported Ben Folds on his tour. She is one amazing talent from Brisbane (Brisbane represent!!) The things she can do with her voice - and oh, what a voice. Such control! She truly performs with such a simplistic style and grace yet very much holds her own on the stage. So I leave you, finally, with the most funniest song Kate did on the night - a song about old flames on Facebook. Good to see she's keeping up with social media.

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