Monday, August 29, 2011

new lens

Just before the end of the Financial year (2010-2011) I bought a prime lens. I did what I thought was the pragmatic thing to do - I bought it second hand. I must say, I am extremely chuffed with my purchase. Not only is the lens made in Japan (no offense China or Thailand but I still associate Japan with quality goods) it was worth the investment.

What lens did I buy? I bought a 50mm f1.4. I cannot stop raving about this lens. It is seriously fast, fabulous in low light and the bokeh effect is amazing. The depth of field you can achieve with this lens is out of this world. Seriously.

Here are a couple of shots I took over the weekend to tide you over until I take more adventurous shots with my parents in town this weekend.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

on hiatus

Well. I knew this would happen. A minor setback really. I tend to get really excited about new projects and ventures and then either slowly tumble off the wagon or fall at full speed with a thud to the ground. I’m choosing to treat this as a slow tumble.

I’ve come to realise that the amount of spare time I have directly correlates with how busy I am with my day job. For example, if I have a focus group on a Monday and/or Tuesday night, by the time the end of the week is upon me, the last thing I feel like doing is sitting at a computer, bashing out a post. If, like me, you spend most of your days in front of a computer screen, I’m sure you’ll agree with me here. It is not my lack of discipline or motivation that stops me from sharing stories, it is the fatigue and weariness after a long day at work. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it).

So, July was a month of madness that has completely flown by – focus groups coming out of my ears, holidays, Splendour in the Grass, falling sick... definitely an eventful start to the beginning of FY012. Can you believe that we are in the second half of the year already? Christmas is four months away! Yes, I went there. We’ll probably start seeing Father’s Day paraphernalia in stores now (if not already) and everything Christmas will probably start merchandising in a month’s time. Fun times.

So, with Winter moving behind us, days getting finally getting (albeit only a little) longer and a slow start to FY012 work wise, I am back on the wagon. I have, at the moment, more time to bake, read, and if I stop making excuses, blog. I pledge to you, dear reader (thanks Mum for reading my blog), to blog more regularly in the month of August. Afterall, I’m all about baby steps.